class Routes

This class pre-process pages to generate some needed information.


protected array $searchDir Array that contains the paths to find the Controllers folder that contains the controllers
private Router $router Route to manage available routes.


__construct(array $dirs)

Models constructor.


Check all clases that extends from PageController, an store it to pages table.

instantiateClass(string $namespace, string $className)

Instanciate class and update page data if needed.


at line 42
__construct(array $dirs)

Models constructor.


array $dirs

at line 55
private checkRoutesControllers()

Check all clases that extends from PageController, an store it to pages table.

We needed to generate the user menu.

TODO: This must be checked only when update/upgrade the core. WARNING: At this moment are generating 3 extra SQL queries per table.

at line 90
private instantiateClass(string $namespace, string $className)

Instanciate class and update page data if needed.


string $namespace
string $className