class FileSystemUtils

Class FileSystemUtils


static bool
rrmdir(string $path)

Recursively removes a folder along with all its files and directories

static bool
mkdir(string $dir, int $mode = 0777, bool $recursive = false)

Attempts to create the directory specified by pathname.

static SplFileInfo[]
scandir(string $path)

List files and directories inside the specified path.

static ?string
locate(string $subfolder, string $file, bool $fqcn = true)

Locate a file in a subfolder, returning the FQCN or filepath.


at line 27
static bool rrmdir(string $path)

Recursively removes a folder along with all its files and directories


string $path

Return Value


at line 55
static bool mkdir(string $dir, int $mode = 0777, bool $recursive = false)

Attempts to create the directory specified by pathname.


string $dir
int $mode
bool $recursive

Return Value


at line 67
static SplFileInfo[] scandir(string $path)

List files and directories inside the specified path.


string $path

Return Value


at line 92
static ?string locate(string $subfolder, string $file, bool $fqcn = true)

Locate a file in a subfolder, returning the FQCN or filepath.

The active modules of the last activated are traversed to the first, and finally the core. The file is searched in the subfolder specified (for example Models). If true (default), return the FQCN; if false, return the path to the file


string $subfolder
string $file
bool $fqcn

Return Value
